Its always been about the art. NO roadmap. NO utility. A collection of 3,333 NFTs designed to bring value to web3 one PFP at a time!


Sam was a domain and crypto trader. He became rich beyond measure by his savvy and know-how in both. But Sam was not very charitable in deed or habit. Instead, he felt entitled to his riches and wanted nothing more out of life than to enjoy them to the fullest. Being a child of the 80’s, he loved everything about them. He collected memorabilia and items of clothing from the era. Back to the Future Delorian, Top Gun jacket, and video vintage video game machines stood all over his home. What he wanted most of all though, was something that was from Clash of the Titans. Try as he might, he had nothing from that legendary movie that he could brag about. Then one day on a vacation to Greece Sam was made aware of a legendary cave of the Gorgons along the coast. For those who don’t know, the Gorgons were cursed by Zeus to have snakes for hair and agaze that turned men to stone. Medusa was a Gorgon, and she was portrayed in the Clash of the Titans. This could be his chance to have something that no one else had! Sam was willing to spend whatever it took to see this cave for himself! After spending untold amounts of crypto on guides and equipment, he prepared for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Located along a deserted stretch of coastland near a tiny fishing village, Sam was led to the mysterious cave. Deep inside Sam was disappointed not to find any Gorgons of any kind, living or dead, the only thing that was found by him and his guides was an old amulet and a warning carved into the rocks. Sam’s guides interpreted the warning from ancient Greek to read “Woe to him that removes the Amulet of Medusa! He that does will have their fate sealed in stone!”Undeterred by the warning, seeing it as mere superstition, Sam was determined to have this artifact for his private collection. Clutching the amulet tightly, Sam felt strange as they started to emerge from the cave. Finally nearing the mouth of the cave with the beach in sight, Sam found himself unable to move. Overcome by the curse of the Amulet of Medusa, Sam turned completely to stone! The guides left him where he stood, but not before stealing his possessions from him, even his crypto wallet. Sam stayed this way for days. His mind was still aware of the passing of time, the tide moving in and out and he cursed his fate. Till one day a local villager in a small fishing boat came across Sam. Luckily for Sam, these villagers, having lived so close to the cave of the Gorgons, knew how to reverse the curse. They pried the amulet from his hands, returned it to its place of sanctuary, performed the appropriate rites of appeasement to Medusa, and Sam’s curse was lifted. Forever grateful for this selfless act of kindness Sam emerged from the curse a changed man. He vowed to the villagers and to himself to go out from this place and perform acts of good for his fellow man and use his fortune to make the world a better place for his being there. Sam founded the Do Goods Foundation and from that day forward became a champion of all virtuous deeds and causes, especially when they had anything to do with the 80’s!


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